Office Insurance

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Office Insurance For Your Business

For over 30 years, Humberview Insurance Brokers has been a trusted partner for businesses in Ontario, Canada, providing comprehensive office insurance solutions. Our commitment goes beyond just competitive rates; we believe in empowering our clients with knowledge and support. Understanding that every office has unique needs, we offer tailored office insurance policies that ensure your business is well-protected. From the moment you request an office insurance quote to the time your office is insured, and beyond, our dedicated team offers expert advice and personalized service. Whether you’re a small business owner or manage a large corporate office, we’re here to make your insurance experience seamless and exceptional.
Contact us today for a quote on office insurance package in Ontario.

Standard Office Insurance

General Liability Insurance

Protects against claims of bodily injury or property damage to third parties that occur on the business premises.

Additional Office Insurance Coverages

Below are additional typical coverages with office packages that can be offered. Other coverages should also be considered and it is important to speak with an office Insurance Broker.


Covers office equipment, furniture, and supplies.

Business Interruption

Provides coverage for lost income and operating expenses if the office is temporarily unusable due to a covered event.

Tenants Improvements and Betterments

If the business leases its office space, this coverage protects the investments made in improving or customizing the leased space.

Crime Insurance

Protects against losses from theft, fraud, and other crimes committed by employees or third parties.

Important Consideration for Office Insurance

Office insurance packages typically include commercial general liability insurance as a base coverage. However, commercial general liability insurance does not cover professional mistakes, negligence or even your products and services that your business provides. Therefore, your business may require separate professional liability insurance or errors and omissions policy or other liability insurance to cover the exposures of your business.
It is worth noting that businesses that are part of associations or memberships to certain trade boards may have these coverages available to them specific to their industry and at discounted rates.

Looking for an Office Insurance Package Quote?

Office Insurance Broker – One Dedicated Broker for Your Business

Typical Industries that Require Office Packages

Below are Industries we typically Insure for Office Packages. Virtually all require other types of insurance as well to cover their professional and product operations.

Professional Services

Lawyers, accountants, consultants, and other professionals who provide expert advice or services.

Medical and Healthcare

Doctors, dentists, therapists, and other healthcare providers operating offices or clinics.

Information Technology

IT consultants, software developers, and tech support companies.

Financial Services

financial advisors, and investment firms such as reits and investment advisors

Real Estate

Real estate agencies, property management companies, and mortgage brokers.

Advertising and Marketing

Marketing agencies, public relations firms, and advertising companies.

Legal Services

Law firms and legal consultants.

Architecture and Engineering

Architectural firms, engineering consultancies, and design firms.

Education and Training

Tutoring centers, private educational institutions, and training providers.

Nonprofits and Associations

Charitable organizations, trade associations, and professional membership groups.

Looking for an Office Insurance Package Quote?

Office Insurance Broker – One Dedicated Broker for Your Business


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