Hamilton Approves Landlord License Pilot Project

The City of Hamilton yesterday August 10th 2021 voted in favour of a motion to implement a rental housing licensing pilot for wards 1,8 and 14.

Where are Wards 1, 8 and 14?

Ward 1: covers the area primarily close to McMaster University

Ward 8 & 14: covers the area primarily close to Mohawk College.

More info on Hamilton wards: Click here

Details Seem Scarce

Although there does not appear much information what all aspects of the licensing will be so far, it does appear that it is to make sure living conditions are safe. The City is pegging the cost of the program to be $2 million, which appears will be recouped in full through licensing fees. Many landlords are expected to shift this cost to tenants.

Impacted By The New Licensing Scheme?

Are you impacted by this new program and additional Landlord costs? Share this and reach out to us on social media to start the conversation.